Category: Autism and Other Special Needs

Signs of Autism in Babies and Toddlers

Often, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show developmental alterations when they are babies, particularly in social, linguistic, and behavioral skills. Some toddlers even interact differently or may not interact at all with others. Babies can start showing signs of ASD as early as two months of age. Since autism is a spectrum, one child […]

Strategies to Improve Joint Attention

Joint attention refers to the ability to share a common focus on something with someone, including people, objects, concepts, events, etc. It is mainly a social form of communication built up during infancy and continues to grow until early childhood. Joint attention is a significant factor for a child’s social development, cognitive development, and language […]

Autism – Signs and Symptoms

Understanding Autism: Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms The Importance of Awareness in Early Childhood Development In early childhood education, recognizing developmental differences is crucial. Some children receive a diagnosis before starting school, while others display symptoms as they grow. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental conditions, affecting approximately 1 in […]

Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

[vc_row el_id=”1588129803725-92f7a5bb-5d9b”][vc_column el_id=”1588129803785-6b2cf254-0d3d”][vc_column_text] Autism: Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.  Symptoms of Autism usually start to get visible by the age of 2 to 3. It is more common in boys than in girls. Early Signs […]

What is Autism?

[vc_row el_id=”1587842829078-de5bc009-1baa”][vc_column el_id=”1587842829248-856088e2-55a7″][vc_column_text]Sickness is a part of life. Some we face while developing, and some are inborn illnesses. The ones we face while developing are mostly curable or easy to identify. While the inborn ones are sometimes challenging to locate and have fewer chances to get a cure. One of the inborn medical conditions we […]