[vc_row el_id=”1588288066895-27411039-e1ca”][vc_column el_id=”1588288066957-d301a6f9-28de”][vc_column_text] What is Sensory Play? Children at a very young age start to explore and learn about their surroundings, using all their five senses. Grown-ups normally utilize one or two senses to understand their surroundings, while for babies the maximum senses they use, the better they understand their surroundings. “Research shows that babies […]
How to tame Tantrums?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What are Tantrums? Tantrums are usually an unmanageable outbreak of emotions like anger or frustration, often in a child of a younger age. Tantrums come in different forms. Some children may start by just whining, while some go from crying to screaming in seconds. Tantrums can also be seen as kicking, hitting to even […]
Hand-eye coordination activities
[vc_row el_id=”1587948562513-d652c5ae-2331″][vc_column el_id=”1587948562632-145776f4-9646″][vc_column_text]“Hand-eye coordination is the ability to perform movements with the hands while being guided by the eyes. A child’s hands and sight work together to perform tasks.” (Source:https://empoweredparents.co/hand-eye-coordination/) Importance of Hand-eye Coordination: Hand-eye coordination is one of the most important skills for functioning in your daily life. The most simple task can get difficult to […]
What is Autism?
[vc_row el_id=”1587842829078-de5bc009-1baa”][vc_column el_id=”1587842829248-856088e2-55a7″][vc_column_text]Sickness is a part of life. Some we face while developing, and some are inborn illnesses. The ones we face while developing are mostly curable or easy to identify. While the inborn ones are sometimes challenging to locate and have fewer chances to get a cure. One of the inborn medical conditions we […]