Insurance coverage for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy in Canada varies depending on the province or territory and the specific insurance plan you have. Here are some general considerations:

1.Provincial Health Plans:

ABA therapy may be partially covered under provincial health plans in some provinces, but the extent of coverage and eligibility criteria can differ. For example, in Ontario, the Ontario Autism Program provides funding for ABA therapy for children with autism, subject to specific age and diagnostic criteria.

2.Private Insurance:

Private health insurance plans in Canada may offer coverage for ABA therapy, but the availability and extent of coverage can vary widely. Some private insurance plans offer more comprehensive coverage for autism-related therapies, while others may have limited coverage or none at all.

3.Employee Benefits:

If you have employee benefits through your workplace, it’s worth checking whether ABA therapy is covered as part of your benefits package. Coverage may vary based on the terms of your employment contract and the insurance provider.

4.Out-of-Pocket Costs:

In cases where ABA therapy is not covered by public health plans or private insurance, individuals and families may need to pay for therapy out of pocket. This can be a significant financial burden, so it’s important to explore all available options for coverage.

It’s crucial to contact your provincial health authority or insurance provider directly to inquire about the specific coverage available to you.

Insurance providers in canada that cover ABA therapy cost

Several insurance providers in Canada may offer coverage for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, but the extent and terms of coverage can vary widely. Here are some insurance providers that have been known to offer coverage for ABA therapy in Canada:

Sun Life Financial:

Sun Life is one of the largest insurance providers in Canada and offers a range of health insurance plans. Some of their plans may include coverage for ABA therapy.

Manulife Financial:

Manulife is another major insurance provider in Canada. They offer health insurance plans that may include coverage for ABA therapy for individuals with autism.

Great-West Life Assurance Company:

Great-West Life provides group benefits and individual health insurance plans. Some of these plans may cover ABA therapy services.

Desjardins Insurance:

Desjardins offers a variety of insurance products, including health and dental plans. Some of their plans may provide coverage for ABA therapy.

Green Shield Canada:

Green Shield offers health and dental benefits plans, and some of these plans may cover ABA therapy for individuals with autism.

Medavie Blue Cross:

Medavie Blue Cross offers health and travel insurance. While coverage can vary, some of their plans may include ABA therapy coverage.