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Sensory play:

Sensory play can be any play that involves the senses. It allows children to play, explore, create, and engage in experiential learning through their senses.

What are water beads?

“Water beads are non-toxic and environmentally safe, making them a wonderful addition to the sensory play of children who will not put them in their mouths” (Source:Water bead sensory play). 

Water beads were made for designing the floral display. “They are fun gel balls that expand in water and are often used in flower vases. They also make a fun sensory station for children who are no longer putting things in their mouth”. (Source:Water Beads Fun Sensory Bin!)

Check out this super easy color sorting fun sensory bin to put together for your little ones:

You will need:

  • A big container, a tub, or a large tray ( anything big enough to be able to fit all the components of the activity)
  • Water beads (You can do a theme of colors or all colors!)
  • Colorful cups

Tip:Make sure the water beads and cups have similar colors or atleast are alike so your child can sort.


  • Add all different color water beads on one side of the container
  • Place the colorful cups on the other side
  • Add tools such as spoons to help with picking up the water beads and transferring them when sorting.

Some tools that go really well when working with water beads are listed below: 

  • Small measuring spoons
  • Scissor spoon (so it is easier for your children to scoop the beads)
  • Tiny cups.
  • Motor tools
  • Plastic egg container.


Hope you and your child enjoy this activity as much as my boys and I did! :D

