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Signs of Autism in Toddlers

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) typically appears in the early ages of an individual, and may be diagnosed as early as 14 months. An autistic may show developmental differences while growing up in the way they behave, communicate and interact.

Following are some of the signs that should be observed in a toddler’s behavior to be able to catch the disorder early on.

No eye contact

One of the signs of autism spectrum disorder in a toddler is that he or she may lack eye contact behavior. An autistic may make little to no eye contact during infancy.

Not responding to their names

Even though their hearing is completely fine, autistic toddlers may not respond to when called by their names. He or she may not turn to look, even after their name is repeated several times.

No facial expressions

Autistic babies may usually not smile or exhibit many facial expressions. They may not show facial expressions like happiness, surprise, laughter during gameplay. They may also not respond to a parent’s smile.

Likes to be alone

Babies on the spectrum may have the tendency to be alone, so they may come across as aloof and detached. They may have difficulty in making friends with toddlers their age.

Exhibit repetitive behaviors

Autistic babies may do one thing over and over again. They may repetitively line up toys, or open and close doors or drawers. They may also exhibit repetitive body movements like rocking, hand flapping, or spinning themselves in circles.

Have limited speech

An autistic toddler may have delayed language development. They may have limited to no speech, and may talk one to two years later than other children.

Unusual reactions to sounds

Toddlers on the spectrum may find certain sounds, tastes and smell upsetting. Sounds, physical sensations may sometimes be overwhelming for an autistic toddler. They may also have unusual responses to food and are sometimes picky eaters.

Uses few gestures

An autistic baby may lack gestures. They may not reach for things or wave goodbye.

Identifying autism in toddlers is critical to beginning interventions early. But remember, one autistic toddler will not have exactly the same symptoms as another kid on the spectrum. The severity of symptoms may vary a lot!

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