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Activities that support writing skills

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What are pre-writing skills?:

“Pre-writing skills are the lines and strokes kids need to master and know BEFORE learning how to print the alphabet. Each of these lines is developed in a sequence, based on how old the child is.” (Source:Basics of Pre-Writing Activities and Skills for Kids)

Importance of pre-writing skills:

“Pre-writing practice teaches directionality in writing, encourages fine muscle development and coordination, and also helps students process sensory information critical to the writing process.” (Source:15 Pre-Writing Activities for Preschoolers)

Activities that support pre writing skills:

Work on vertical surface:

Writing on a vertical surface improve pencil grasp. It also helps with dexterity and control. This can also improve eye coordination in children. Give your child White board or chalkboard to write this will help in long arm movements.

Practice hand grasp:

The stages when an infant starts to  grasp an object is very important in the child’s life.
Below are some activities which help in practicing hand grasp

Fine motor play:

Fine motor skills can be worked on through the following activities:

Get crawling to support coordination:

Crawling is very necessary for a child’s development. Crawling provides weight bearing opportunities into the arms which is needed for shoulder stability.


Play a game using visual coordination:

Visual coordination helps in coordinating the movement of hand and legs.

Some activities to support visual coordination include:

Work on hand strength:

These types of activities help your child improve strength and coordination of the hand muscles:


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